Run a search engine?

Expand your search results with knowledge panels, instant answers, widgets and more!

Improve your search experience and increase user retention.

Search Expander pays for itself!

Our responsive design means our data looks great on desktop, mobile and tablet devices.

Check out some of our knowledge panels, all split into tabs…

Music artist knowledge panels with social media links, albums, songs (with playable snippets), similar artists, etc. (e.g. “Billy Joel”)
*Images are representative and subject to change

Check out some of our instant answers

Instant answers to millions of questions, e.g. “How old is Elon Musk?”. (Instant Answers like this are normally accompanied by a knowledge panel at no extra charge.)
*Images are representative and subject to change

Knowledge panels and instant answers are fully-configurable.

You choose the data you want. You choose the style to suit your search engine. Our responsive design works seamlessly on desktop, tablet or phone.